Critical Legal Requirements for New Franchise Systems


There are numerous legal hurdles to jump over and landmines to avoid when franchising or licensing a business. Franchisors must comply with FTC regulations and state-specific (“blue sky”) laws regarding franchise registration and disclosure documentation.

The various registrations, deadlines, and disclosure documents can be complex and expensive, and if done improperly the business owners could be held personally liable. It’s vital that you have an experienced business attorney handle these aspects of your franchise operation.

Ready to Franchise?

If you’re thinking about franchising or licensing your Central Florida business, we can help. We’ve been working with Florida and multi-state franchise systems for over two decades to draft franchise disclosure documents and franchise agreements and file the necessary state registrations. 

Give us a call at 407.649.7777 or email us now to schedule a consultation. We’ll get a franchise strategy developed that is right for you and your business.

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