partnership agreements

married couple business partnership

Do Husband and Wife Businesses Still Need Partnership Agreements?

Despite the area of business or the type of legal entity, a multi-owner business definitely needs to have a partnership agreement in place. Each partner comes to the business venture with different expectations and goals, and through the process of preparing the partnership agreement these aspects will come to light. In a way, business partners […]

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51-49 partnership structure

Avoiding Resentment in 51-49 Partnerships

Despite being entirely equal, a 50-50 equity split can leave business partners vulnerable to deadlock. The super-minority equity division (49-49-2) is a potential work around. However, many business owners aren’t comfortable giving a 2% ownership stake in the company to someone to act as a tiebreaker. Fortunately, there is another way that many partnerships decide

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talking points for business partnerships

How Tough Conversations Lead to Stronger Business Partnerships

Someone once said to me, “Hope for the best, but plan for the worst.” I think this adage perfectly encapsulates my approach to business partnerships. At the beginning, everyone is excited about the potential and what the future holds. I will never want to crush that optimism, but my job is help business owners protect

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