10 Discussion Topics for New Business Partnerships

10 partnership discussion topics

Growing a successful business is difficult enough without having to worry whether a dispute among the partners will cause the business to fail. Partnerships (i.e. multi-owner businesses) have led to some of the most successful business ventures the world has ever seen.

A partnership can create substantial wealth for the partners. But a broken partnership can lead to a frustrating existence and financial ruin. Partnership failures usually arise when partner expectations are unmet or violated. The fallout can lead to broken relationships, failed businesses, and lost investments.

To make sure that your new business partnership has the highest potential for success, make sure that you discuss these 10 key points with your partners.

10 partnership discussion topics
guide to partnership agreements

Your Path to a Successful Business Partnership

Learn the insider secrets to building strong business partnerships and the fundamental role a comprehensive agreement plays in the success of a multi-owner business.

Download a free copy of our new book!

Building Better Business Partnerships

Here at Alexander Abramson, we focus exclusively on business-related legal matters. We have advised business owners and entrepreneurs for over 25 years on partnerships and partnership agreements, and we have distilled that knowledge into our Partnership Design System

Our unique 4-step system will:

  • Guide a discussion of the 21 key partnership parameters,
  • Build a strong foundation for your new business partnership,
  • Create a comprehensive written agreement understood by all the partners,
  • Increase the chance of success for your business partnership!

Help ensure you can start and grow your business successfully now and protect the business and your investment in the future. Call us at 407-649-7777 or email a team member to schedule a Partnership Design Session now.

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